<aside> 💡 This page describes the steps to integrate the Toneling SDK into your mobile app.


1. Create a new Tonelingo admin account

If you haven’t done so already, the first step is to create a new admin account in the Tonelingo App at https://app.tonelingo.com/sign-up.

Your account then needs to be verified by Speeqo before you can log into the app or start using any features.

<aside> 💡 The email of the account created in this step is where the Speeqo platform will send Reports corresponding to user Voice Records.


2**: Add the SDK to Your Project**

3**: Import the SDK**

Import TonelingoSDK in your ViewController or wherever you plan to use it.

import TonelingoSDK

4**: Initialize the SDK**

Initialize the SDK in your AppDelegate or initial ViewController.

    on: self,                           // Specify view controller to present
    withProductID: "prod123"            // Replace with your product ID
    providedAnonymizedUserID: "abc123", // Replace with the anonymized ID
    apiKey: "your-api-key",             // Replace with your API key
		apiToken: "your-api-token"          // Replace with your API token

5**: Set the Delegate**

Conform to the TonelingoDelegate protocol and set the delegate.

Tonelingo.delegate = self

6**: Load and Present the Feedback Widget**