<aside> 💡 This page describes the steps to integrate the Toneling SDK into your mobile app.
If you haven’t done so already, the first step is to create a new admin account in the Tonelingo App at https://app.tonelingo.com/sign-up.
Your account then needs to be verified by Speeqo before you can log into the app or start using any features.
<aside> 💡 The email of the account created in this step is where the Speeqo platform will send Reports corresponding to user Voice Records.
Download TonelingoSDK.framework
Drag and drop TonelingoSDK.framework
into your Xcode project.
Go to your project settings, navigate to "General" and scroll down to "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content."
is set to "Embed & Sign."<aside> 💡 To successfully integrate TonelingoSDK into your iOS project, ensure that your project meets the following minimum requirements:
Import TonelingoSDK
in your ViewController or wherever you plan to use it.
import TonelingoSDK
Initialize the SDK in your AppDelegate
or initial ViewController.
on: self, // Specify view controller to present
withProductID: "prod123" // Replace with your product ID
providedAnonymizedUserID: "abc123", // Replace with the anonymized ID
apiKey: "your-api-key", // Replace with your API key
apiToken: "your-api-token" // Replace with your API token
Conform to the TonelingoDelegate
protocol and set the delegate.
Tonelingo.delegate = self